1. The calcium and phosphorus contained in dairy products have a beneficial effect on dental health, reducing the pH level in the plaque and facilitating the remineralization of the enamel.
2. Each individual's teeth are unique, similar to a fingerprint. Even identical twins do not have the same teeth. Did you know that the imprint from the back of the tongue is also unique?
3. The average woman smiles about 62 times a day, while her husband… only 8 times. Children laugh over 400 times a day.
4. The American Dental Association recommends that everyone brush their teeth for at least 2-3 minutes a day. However, the average person spends no more than 45-70 seconds per day on oral hygiene.
5. The right-handers chew the food mainly on the right side, the left-handers chew the food mainly on the left. It is advisable to chew the food evenly on both sides in order to prevent diseases of the temporomandibular joints.
6. 50% of people think that smile is the first thing they see in a person's face.
7. 80% of people don't like their smile.
8. 83% of people think that the appearance of their teeth is more important than their hair and eyes when presented to society.
9. People who drink more than three sugars containing drinks daily have a 62% higher risk of developing caries.
10. Patients suffering from gingival disease are also more likely to suffer from heart disease.
11. On average, every person forms about 26,000 liters of saliva throughout their lives, enough to fill an entire swimming pool.
12. In cases where the bathroom and toilet are located in the same room, the toothbrushes should be placed away from the toilet, as the aerosols formed from the water jet in the toilet bowl can move about 1.8 meters away.
13. In 1994, a West Virginia prisoner braided a floss of dental floss and climbed the wall and managed to escape.
14. It is advisable to change your toothbrush for a maximum of three months, as well as after any flu or cold, as bacteria from the oral cavity colonize the hair of the brush and create a risk of reinfection.
15. Enamel is the most rigid structure in the human body, but also very fragile. Therefore, it is necessary to guard against aggressive contact with solid objects (metal utensils, caps, etc.).
16. According to a recent survey conducted in the US, healthcare professionals are most trusted by US citizens.
17. Gingiv disease is a leading cause of tooth loss in patients over 35 years of age. Therefore, regular prophylaxis should be carried out.
18. A toothbrush can clean only 60% of the tooth surfaces. For the hygiene of the remaining 40% it is necessary to use dental floss. So be sure to advise your patients to combine the two methods daily.
19. According to a recent survey, 59% of Americans prefer to visit their dentist than sit next to someone who talks on the phone for a long time.
20. More than 300 bacterial species are involved in the maintenance of dental plaque.