Smoking after extraction of third molars is absolutely contraindicated until complete healing of the tissues is established.
There are various reasons for the extraction procedure to be performed. Among them are the impacted sages, the presence of extensive caries affecting the structure of the tooth, the displacement of the position of the remaining teeth in the beginning of growth, etc.
Statistics show that in a small percentage of cases, the anatomy of the tooth is abnormal, leading to an increased risk of complications associated with extraction. Too often a soft tissue wound and / or bone defect occurs in such patients.
According to the requirements of good medical practice, recommendations should be given to every patient who has undergone this surgery, as well as after the extraction of any other tooth from the dental row. One of the most important elements of the hygiene - diet regimen is the cessation of smoking for one week, which is the sufficient time for wound healing.
What actually necessitates to stop smoking after extraction?
There are two main reasons for its strict prohibition:
- When smoke is inhaled from the cigarette, a negative pressure is exerted which could lead to displacement or complete elimination of the postoperative hematoma. As a result, the bone defect remains open, which can result in the occurrence of so-called dry socket, accompanied by strong pain. Alveolar osteitis may also occur;
- The cigarette smoke that is inhaled in is very hot. This can lead to a decrease in blood flow to the area and thereby disrupt and delay the healing processes;
The status of gingival and periodontal tissues of smokers is often impaired, with persistent inflammation. There are increased levels of cytokines and immune factors that lead to local damage to the periodontium and often to periodontal diseases. This further impairs the normal healing of extraction wounds.